接著第二封來自加拿大的明信片 還蠻有趣,騎著鴕鳥的警察(!?) 背面明信片中的描述寫到: Ostrich Racing is super awesome! You would look so cool riding around on the back of an ostrich. In South Africa, they just put a saddle on those suckers and ride. We hope that someday all the police of the world will ride ostriches instead of horses.
Most Slovenského národného povstania Google-橋的全貌 (English: Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising) 中文可能翻成斯洛伐克民族起義大橋,簡稱為Most SNP或飛碟橋 Most SNP横跨多瑙河兩岸 橋上看似飛碟狀的結構,其實是一間餐廳